Sunday, November 8, 2009

Happy Halloween! Wahhhhhhh

Sadly enough Halloween is over, I love Halloween and so do the kids. The first day of October I made orange pumpkin pancakes to kick off the festivities. But, Halloween started way back last Spring, when the kids helped plant pumpkins in Grandpa Miner's Garden. They had a blast picking their pumpkins out of there very own patch. Christian of course wanted the biggest one and lucky for me Mallory was nice enough to gut all three of the kids pumpkins for carving. The Monday before Halloween we headed down to Granddad and Grandma GG's house for a little FHE Pumpkin Carving. The pumpkins looked awesome, thanks mom and dad(the kids were sad to throw them away) Christian had a Halloween Program and Trunk or Treat at school which was a lot of fun. I started preparing early for my annual Halloween Party. The kids and I had a blast picking recipes and decorating for the party. We enjoyed a yummy soup bar with lots of fixen' and a dessert table with lots of treats, costume contest and charades. The party went into the wee hours, and we all had a blast. Thanks everyone for coming, it makes all the hard work worth it. Halloween Day was lots of fun, started with a Birthday Breakfast for Mom Grover at Mimi's Cafe (Happy Birthday Mom We love you) Sadly Joe had to miss going to the U game but got to watch some of it. We had dinner, trick or treating, and relaxed/visited with family and friends. The kids had so much fun trick or treating, Mercedes kept singing 'Trick or Treat, smell my feet, give me treat' I just love the holidays with kids they are such a blast. Happy Halloween!!!!

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