Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was a very full day, and Christian decided he wanted to see Santa one more time before Christmas. So, I spent 2 hours in line at the Mall waiting to see Santa while Joe played with the kids, Lincoln stayed with me and slept most of the time, luckily. But it was worth it, Christian and Mercedes were so excited and couldn't wait to tell Santa what they wanted, a Batman Bike and a pink tricycle and Santa delivered! We left the Mall and went to the Christmas Eve Dinner at Uncle Jerry and Aunt Gaye's house. We ate lots of yummy food and the big kids and little kids had a blast wrestling, having leg wars and trying to touch the ceiling with their head, the Mike's won. We also sang Christmas Carols and exchanged a few gifts. Christian, Mercedes, and Lincoln got their Christmas Pajamas and we headed home. We got home and read about the birth of Christ in the Bible and acted it out with the kids, they loved bringing presents to baby Jesus(Lincoln) and we ended with a prayer. It is such a joy started traditions as we raise our little family, the kids loved putting out cookies, carrots and egg nog for Santa Claus. The boys put the bikes together and we finished stuffing stocking and laying out presents. Christmas is so much more fun as a parent and getting to play Santa!


About Us said...

So, where are the photos? :-)

The McGraths said...

Hey Melanie, Thanks for sending me a link. Now, I'm gonna be able to keep up you guys. The kids are so big!!!