Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Well, it's a few days late but here are our crazy Halloween adventures. We had a couple days of Halloween fun; Thursday Christian had his Halloween school program at Elite Academy. Christian did a great job with all the songs and loved having everyone come and see him perform his scary secret Halloween songs. After the program we went to Cafe Rio for lunch and went to Gardener Village one more time to see the witches. On Halloween day we got so lucky and Mercedes Costume arrive(maybe this Murphey's Law thing is wearing off;) she was of course Batgirl, only because I wouldn't let her be Batman. She loved it though and was a perfectly pink little crime fighter. They have had so much fun with those costumes already. Joe got off work early so we could go to the pumpkin patch and get our pumpkins to carve(I know just a little last minute) but, it all worked out, I gutted the pumpkins and Joe carved them while I got the kids ready to go trick or treating with Jeffrey and Alexia. The kids had a blast and Mercedes ate the treats, chips, and juice as fast as we got it. We only visited a hand full of houses and that was good enough. Then we raced down to my parents before the kids fell asleep(like last year). We had lots of fun taking pictures, eating chili/corn bread, and watching a old Batman Movie from the seventies(Christian thought it was equally cool, who would have thought!) Our night ended with everyone asleep on the sofa/floor. It was such a blast and now Christian is counting down the days till Christmas and making his list for Santa Clause.

1 comment:

Dye Family said...

So cute Mel. Welcome to the world of blogging. You will probably be good at it. I'm no good whatsoever!