Saturday, November 1, 2008

Summer Love

Well, the day has finally come and I have started a blog. I've been wanting to do this for a long time, mostly to document all the fun things we do as a family and keep a little online journal. So, first I am going to do a little recap of the summer because a lot happened and it happened so fast.

Our summer was full of fun things; Florida, East Canyon/Park City, Fish Lake, Alaska-Joe. Lots of shopping, swimming, and playing; a Halloween Party, 2 big birthday parties and one baby birth/blessing. It has been a very eventful few months.

Christian turned 4 this year and invited Bruce Wayne aka BATMAN to his birthday party. It was a lot of fun we had salad, pizza, cake and ice cream. Christian was ecstatic when BATMAN arrived, he told Christian to always stand for good and fight evil. Christian showed Batman some of his 'moves' and got a batman T-shirt from him. It was a lot of fun; we ate, had a pinata, opened presents(Christian's favorite present was his own Bat mobile), got to spend time with family. Thanks to everyone that came!

Mercedes also had a birthday and turned 2 this year, boy it goes so fast. Mercedes being the little diva princess that she is, wanted a princess party, so mom made a cake just for her. We didn't have any special guests for this party, Cinderella was out of town ;) It was sweet and simple and as you can see in the pictures, the princess was ready for her beauty rest by the end of the party.
(Mercedes is just like her mother and hates to be dirty/messy and loves to clean.)

Well, being on the 2 year plan for having kids, we have: Christian 4, Mercedes 2 and our brand new baby boy Lincoln Kevin Grover. I was about 2 weeks late and had to be induced as always but things went very smoothly on the delivery day (even with Joe having a exam early that morning). It was a lot of fun having our families there to welcome baby Lincoln, we are so grateful for your love and support. Lincoln was 7 lbs. 13 oz. and 19 1/2 inches (he is now 3 months old and weighs 13 lbs. 4 oz.) He came with dark blue eyes and brown hair, but his eyes have lighten a little and his hair has fallen out and he is looking like a Blondie now. Lincoln has such a sweet peace about him and he is getting used to all the 'help' brother and sister give :) We love him so much and are so grateful he is here. Lincoln was blessed on Sunday, October 12th; we woke up to the first snow of the season(luckily it melted while we were at church). It was a lovely blessing and a great day. Thanks for everyone's help with the luncheon, we had a delicious spread. Joe and I are so grateful for all of the love and support we have been shown by our family and friends as we continue to grow our family. Thanks We Love you all!

1 comment:

Mindy said...

YAY! You did it! I am excited to view your future blog posts. Sounds like you have been having lots of fun. :) p.s. that email was funny. ( ! )